Berinba Public School

Caring, sharing and achieving in a supportive environment

Telephone02 6226 2110

Principals message

It is my great honour to welcome you to our wonderful school community. At Berinba, our staff are focused on helping all of our students to reach their full potential. We have the great opportunity as educators, to walk alongside our students and prepare them to become globally minded individuals who contribute proactively and positively to the world. At Berinba, we are passionate about education, and hope that as you explore our website, Facebook page, and newly intorduced newsletter "The Berinba Broadcast - stories of the schoolyard" you gain a sense of the caring and child focused ethos we foster. It is an immense privilege and honour, as Relieving Principal, to work with such dedicated students and staff.

Everything we do at Berinba is underpinned by our schools motto of Caring, Sharing and Achieving. Values in which our whole school community is committed to and live by each day. We value positive partnerships between home and school and know that working together is one of the best ways to support student’s engagement and participation at school. I encourage all parents and carers to take an active role in your child’s learning journey. Primary school is a truly special time. Children are at the heart of all we do. Their social and emotional well-being are as important as their academic achievements.

I warmly invite you to visit our school, so that you too, can experience the laughter in the playground, the learning conversations happening in classrooms and the true magic that happens here at Berinba Public School each day.

Relieving Principal

Our school is a caring, exciting and proud establishment that prides itself on providing students with an excellent education built upon individual student wellbeing, self-esteem and enjoyment of learning. Our staff are strongly supportive of educating the whole child whilst always striving for educational excellence.

Our school has sound overall results in both school based and National testing in the areas of Mathematics and English.

Our work in the Creative and Practical Arts is of an extremely high standard with our school choirs selected in the Schools Spectacular on 12 consecutive occasions. Our curriculum offerings in Science, Technology, and Engineering include Robotics and coding classes for all children from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Our History and Geography work covers extensively the pre-colonial history of Australia. Aboriginal Dance, Language, and Cultural studies are taught weekly to all students.

Our school has implemented the KidsMatter program to empower every child to self regulate their behaviours and emotions. Staff have been trained to work with students in building resilience and inner mental health strength.

The school offers a wide range of sporting opportunities from Tennis to Soccer, Netball to Rugby League. The school enters the statewide primary school sport Knockout competitions and participates in the Sporting Schools program offered by the federal government.

Children will participate in a wealth of excursion opportunities over their life at Berinba. Overnight camps and experiences at educational and recreational facilities are included in Yrs 3 – 6. The school effectively uses the wonderful educational excursion opportunities offered in the ACT on a regular basis.

Our school is a proud member of the Binit Binit Learning Community and along with our other 19 local school partners offer a wide variety of Gifted and Talented programs across the entire curriculum. Through the Learning Community students work with children of similar interest/ability to develop their skills and expertise in the Arts, Sciences, Robotics, Maths, Writing, and a host of other creative areas of schooling.

Substantive Principal