Find out about our location and transport details to make getting to school safe and easy.
Our school is located at:
Bus travellers
Pupils who live more than 1.6 km from school are eligible for free bus travel. The buses that currently service Berinba are Murrumbateman, Gundaroo, Dog Trap Road, Dalton, Gunning, Narrengullen, Jerrawa, Burrinjuck, Bookman, Wargeila, Bowning/Binalong/Goondah, Yass River/Manton, Good Hope, Kangiara, Black Range Road and Yass/Rye Park. For more information contact the Berinba Office. Pupils who live more than 1.6 km from a bus pick-up point may be entitled to a Conveyance Subsidy for parents' use of a private vehicle to the bus pick-up. Details of subsidy conditions and application procedure are available from the School Administration Office or online at .
Murrumbateman families may enrol children at before and after school care facility at Fairley, in which a direct bus service is located to Berinba School.
Cyclist and scooters
Pupils riding bicycles and scooters to school must use the gate near the Petit Street Crossing, or the vehicle gate from Grand Junction Road opposite Mitchell Street. Cycles must not be ridden inside the school grounds. Bicycle racks are located alongside the school ramp. It is recommended that no K-2 child ride a bike to school without parent supervision.
Parents collecting their children from school are encouraged to park in Petit Street near the pedestrian crossing. Parking restrictions have been placed by council in several areas around the school, please take careful note of the signs detailing these restrictions. The school car park is reserved for staff and parents are asked not to drop off or pickup children in car park or this driveway.
Getting to and from school safely
As a parent or carer, it’s your responsibility to get your child to and from school safely. Student safety is our priority.
Keep our school community safe by:
- driving and parking safely, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school
- being a good role model
- never calling your child from across the road
- using the safest place to cross the road.
For parents and carers of younger children
Discuss with your child how to be safe when:
Also talk about and practise:
- safe travel routes
- plans for when unexpected things happen
- what to do in wet weather.
Subsidised school travel
Transport for NSW provides subsidies to assist school students.
- The School Student Transport Scheme provides eligible students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.
- The School Drive Subsidy may help towards the costs of driving children to school if you live in an area where there is no public transport.